Cogan Ophthalmic History Society
I. Mission
The Cogan Ophthalmic History Society is established to foster communication, scholarship and fellowship among individuals interested in ophthalmic history. The Society is empowered to organize meetings and sponsor publications as appropriate to its goals.
II. Governance
A: President
A President shall be elected to a 3-year term that cannot be contiguously repeated. The President shall serve as administrative officer to coordinate meetings, mailings, finances and other work of the Society, and shall convene the annual business meeting of the Society.
B: Treasurer
A Treasurer shall be elected to a 4-year term that cannot be contiguously repeated. The Treasurer shall manage the Society’s funds and report on the financial status of the Society at the annual business meeting of the Society.
C: Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Treasurer, and three at-large members. The at-large members shall be elected to 4-year terms, staggered as to starting date, which cannot be contiguously renewed. The Executive Committee shall be advisory to the President and serve as a committee to evaluate programs, nominate candidates for office, rule on membership questions and otherwise help the President to guide Society activities. Executive committee members shall disclose to the membership any potential conflicts of interest in their work on behalf of the Society. All members, including those members who have been granted emeritus status by action of the Executive Committee and whose attendance and dues requirements are current, are eligible for election to the Executive Committee.
D: Nominations, Elections and Vacancies
1. Nominations: Nominations for officers shall be made by the Executive Committee, but free nominations from members may also be made, with the assent of those nominated.
2: Elections:
a. All members, including those members who have been granted emeritus status by action of the Executive Committee, and whose attendance and dues requirements are current, may vote; voting may take place at Society business meetings or by postal mail, email or electronically.
b. In the case of mail, email or electronic elections, notice of the election must be made to all members 15 days before the balloting takes place.
3: Vacancies: Unexpected vacancies may be filled by action of the Executive Committee; those appointed will serve to the end of the term otherwise held by that officer. An officer serving less than half the normal term of the vacancy position is eligible for re-election to that position.
E: Terms of Office
All terms shall commence at the end of the Annual Meeting, or as soon as the results of a mail, email or electronic election are determined.
F: Meetings of Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once yearly during the annual meeting of the Society. The work of the Committee may also be conducted by phone, mail or email between meetings of the Society.
III. Membership
A: Members at the time this document is approved shall remain members but under the terms of these Bylaws.
B. There shall be three categories of membership.
1. Regular members must pay annual dues, as set for regular membership by the Executive Committee, which are payable by March 1 of each year, and attend a Society meeting at least every 3 years to maintain active status. Members may request a one-year extension of the attendance requirement based on extenuating circumstances by making written application to the Executive Committee.
2. Emeritus members must pay annual dues, as set for emeritus membership by the Executive Committee, which are payable by March 1 of each year, but are not required to attend meetings to maintain their active membership status. Emeritus status may be awarded upon request to the Executive Committee to a member in good standing 75 years of age or older who have already been a regular member for 5 years.
3. Trainee members are medical students, residents or fellows in ophthalmology training programs, graduate students in programs relating to research concerning the eye or visual function, students in library science, or other graduate students relating to ophthalmology or visual science. The exact status of any other possible trainee member can be subject to approval by the Executive Committee. Trainee members cannot vote or serve as officers. Trainee members shall be approved with the same criteria as for regular members except that trainee members shall not be required to pay dues. Trainee members shall hold such a membership for 3 years, unless their training ends sooner. Extensions for trainee membership beyond 3 years will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Trainee members in good standing will automatically become regular members after their training status ends.
C: New members must be approved by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the general membership upon their fulfilling the following criteria:
1. Nomination by a current member;
2. Submission of a letter of interest demonstrating a commitment to ophthalmic history and submission of their curriculum vitae;
3. An oral presentation as the first author at one meeting as an invited or sponsored guest;
4. Payment of applicable dues for their first membership year.
D. All new members of all three classes, after approval by the Executive Committee, will be confirmed as members with an electronic vote of the general membership. Such a vote for approval will require a majority vote of those present members who respond to the electronic ballot and not a majority vote of all members.
E. Lapsed members may be reinstated at the discretion of the Executive Committee, and upon payment of all dues that would have been paid during the lapse.
IV: Meetings
A. Meetings shall be held annually at sites, and with local organizers, deemed suitable by the Executive Committee, but chosen by vote of the membership.
B. The length and organization of the annual meeting shall be within the purview of the Executive Committee, but organized to promote member interaction and thoughtful discussion of relevant topics.
C. Meetings will be open to non-members to the extent that space and time permit, but organized so that a reasonable number of interested non-members may attend as observers and presenters.
D. Invited guest speakers at meetings may be recommended by any member, but will be invited at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
E. Priority will be given to bona fide new applicants for membership.
F. A member may invite a co-author to present in his or her stead.
V. Finances
The Executive Committee shall designate dues for both active and emeritus membership to cover costs for administration and benefits of the Society. Additional fees may be charged as needed for annual meetings and other purposes consistent with the goals of the Society. Assets will be held by a bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Dues shall be payable at the first of each year; the member is delinquent if dues are not paid by the time of the annual meeting.
VI. Archives
The Museum of Vision, American Academy of Ophthalmology, shall house the permanent archives of the Society.
VII. Revision of Bylaws
Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by any member; such changes shall be accompanied by a short statement explaining the need for or impact of the change. The bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of members in a mail, email or electronic vote. Proposed changes to the bylaws must be circulated to the membership at least one month before voting takes place.
As amended by vote of the membership December, 2021; March 10, 2023; March 29, 2024
Page last updated March 29, 2024